From: xXl3ft4d3adXx
Sent: 08/10/10 11:30
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you know even i made music from the website i wasent suppose to you still got to be a little ideot for saying oh you got no talent and oh, your music sucks.. well you know? if you just spend time commenting on other peoples songs about that then you got no life and i wouldnt be talking if i were you. My music is awesome but i know i did it on a wrong site and i admit that but my music does not suck and atleast i EVEN MADE MUSIC! SO DONT GO CRYING ABOUT COMMENTING ON EVERY SINGLE SONG OF MINE JUST TO SAY THAT I SUCK AND THAT MY MUSIC IS NO GOOD BECAUSE THAT MEANS YOU SUCK AND IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT BEING A FREAKIN LITTLE IDEOT AGAIN. YOU DONT EVEN HAVE A FREAKIN LIFE!!!! ALL YOU DO IS COMMENT ON MY SONGS SO YOU BETTER NOT COMMENT ANYMORE IM SERIOUS AND FREAKING MOVE TO MEXICO YOU MEXICAN!
I enjoy hearing my music sucks, especially from someone who's every audio post is made using punk-o-matic :D
Keep trying sport! lol.
Lol thats hilarious man! your signed to VictorEEE! and he calls you a noob, haha. his punk-o-matic "Masterpeices" aren't even well composed ha.
yeah, they havent announced it yet though? lol they want us to keep it under wraps until i'm 18. but yeah. he's a tool! XD i owe alot of my musical ability to you though bro!